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Kori Vape | Push CBD Disposable Vape

Looking to embark on a journey to relaxation and relief? Say hello to the Push CBD Disposable Vape, your ultimate companion in the world of CBD vaping.

Oil Cup Capacity:

1.0 ML


1.3 omh

Experience the ultimate in CBD vaping with Push Disposable Vape. Effortless, portable, and packed with premium CBD goodness.
Kori Vape | USB | Kori Vape Nano
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Vape With Passion

Effortless Enjoyment:Kori CBD With just a push, you’ll unlock a world of flavor and calm. No buttons, no fuss, just pure vaping pleasure. Perfectly Portable:Kori Push Designed with convenience in mind, the Push vape fits snugly in your pocket or purse. Carry it with you and enjoy CBD goodness on the go.

  • Ignite Your Senses: Embrace the Future of Vaping with Cutting-Edge Technology!

  • Revolutionizing Vaping: Unveiling the Game-Changing Tech Set to Redefine Your Experience!

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Product Info:

Innovation Ignited: Embrace the Future of Vaping with State-of-the-Art Technological Marvels!

  • Battery Size: 601437-280 MAH

  • Coil: 1.3 omh

  • Oil Cup Capacity: 1.0ML

  • Size of machine: 

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Extreme Vapes for Everyone

Quality control: 

Ensuring that the products meet safety and performance standards through various testing methods.

Raw material sourcing:

Sourcing high-quality ingredients and components to ensure the reliability and performance of the disposable vapes.

Manufacturing processes: 

Implementing efficient and effective production processes to produce large quantities of vapes while maintaining quality standards.

Supply chain management:

Managing the flow of materials and products from suppliers to the factory to the customers.

Cost management:

Minimizing costs while ensuring the quality of the products to maintain profitability.

Environmental sustainability: 

Implementing environmentally friendly practices in the production process to reduce waste and pollution.

Compliance with regulations: 

Ensuring compliance with local, national and international regulations and standards for the manufacture of disposable vapes.